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Handy tips to help organise your linen closet

Ah, the linen closet. Hidden behind closed doors, it’s easily overlooked and things can pile up. Meaning an endless game of hunt the sheet/pillowcase/towel every time you need something fresh. Whether yours is a whole cupboard or just a few shelves, follow our step-by-step guide to organising your linen closet so it can live its best life.

Step 2. Create categories

From bed linen and pillows to cushions and towels, put everything into categories, and then sort them according to how often they’re used. A great way to keep track of bed linen is to create sets. This could be by size and style, as well as by different use, say for guest bed linen.

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Step 3. Give everything its place

When it’s time to put your things back, where do you start? First of all, make sure everything has somewhere to go. Dividers and boxes as well as larger storage boxes and baskets can come in handy here for keeping tabs on your stuff. Pro tip: try rolling up things like towels to make them easier to manage.

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Step 4. Make the everyday things easily accessible

The key to keeping a linen closet tidy is to make sure frequently used things are easy to access and put away. Make space on higher shelves for items that rarely come out of the closet, or put them out of sight. A final tip? Don’t overlook the power of labels! Make your own to add a personal touch to your shelves and storage boxes.

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9 Products
KOMPLEMENT, box, 104.040.53
Current price € 9,99
45 reward points
SKUBB, storage case, 43x53x19 cm, 605.910.47

SKUBB storage case, 43x53x19 cm

Current price € 6,99
30 reward points
SKUBB, storage with 6 compartments, 002.458.80

SKUBB storage with 6 compartments

Current price € 9,99
45 reward points
KRYLBO, chair, 605.667.45

KRYLBO chair

Current price € 79,99
395 reward points
LJUNGAN, laundry bag, 40x50 cm, 905.278.80

LJUNGAN laundry bag, 40x50 cm

Current price € 45,00
225 reward points
TONSTAD, door, 50x229 cm, 905.102.62

TONSTAD door, 50x229 cm

Current price € 140,00
700 reward points
Top Seller
PAX, wardrobe frame, 100x58x236 cm, 804.582.07

PAX wardrobe frame, 100x58x236 cm

Current price € 105,00
525 reward points
FRÄCK, mirror, 380.062.00

FRÄCK mirror

Current price € 9,99
45 reward points
TONSTAD, desk, 120x47 cm, 805.382.09

TONSTAD desk, 120x47 cm

Current price € 179,00
895 reward points

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