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SOARÉ – A place mat that makes a difference

Our vision “to create a better everyday life for the many people” extends to our co-workers and customers, but also to our suppliers and their communities. One way to put this into action is to care about those products that have a purpose. But how do we do this? Well, here’s the story of SOARÉ, or how a simple place mat can make an important and positive change in many people’s lives.

Weaving a future

SOARÉ is a beautiful rounded place mat, woven from the vibrantly green, sturdy and fast-growing water hyacinth that thrives in the Mekong River in Vietnam. The process of harvesting, drying and weaving the plant is important to the people living along the river banks. It keeps the waterway passable, it preserves handicraft tradition, and it earns the weavers extra money.

“One woman told us that thanks to SOARÉ her daughter is now training to become a teacher.”
Lillemor Franzén, the SOARÉ team, IKEA of Sweden

“We’re so glad we went, because we saw how SOARÉ is having a positive impact on the people making it.”
Lillemor Franzén, a member of the IKEA SOARÉ team

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