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FÖRNUFTIG air purifier

Make the home a healthier place

As we spend a lot of time inside, air quality in our home plays an increasingly important role for our health and well-being. The air purifier is the first product in our new range aimed at improving the air quality indoors.

The air purifier helps to improve air quality by filtering gases and particles. These can be contaminants, chemicals, pollen, dust or odours. A combination of three filters traps larger and smaller particles as well as gas pollutants and provides a high-tech and efficient air purification solution.

In addition to the physical benefits of its use, the purifier has a positive effect on mental health. The thought that the air you breathe is clean and safe has a calming effect.

Easy to use anywhere at home

Every home is different and in that sense the FÖRNUFTIG air purifier is designed for a flexible application anywhere you like. It is easy to carry thanks to its low weight, compact size and comfortable handle. Alternatively, you can hang it on the wall, vertically or horizontally, to free up space.

Air purifier support

Experience what a smart home could do for you.