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How to reduce waste at home

Even when you live frugally, there’s always a certain amount of household waste, often from food and packaging. Sorting your recyclables and organising your fridge are two ways to help reduce waste – as well as make your home a little tidier.

Waste reduction aids

Here are just some of the IKEA products to help you stay on top of household waste.
HÅLLBAR, bin, 10 l, 803.980.58

HÅLLBAR bin, 10 l

Current price € 9,99
45 reward points
HÅLLBAR, bin for organic waste, 804.338.82

HÅLLBAR bin for organic waste

Current price € 7,99
35 reward points
LÖVKVAST, bin with lid, 50 l, 205.310.98

LÖVKVAST bin with lid, 50 l

Current price € 24,99
120 reward points
SORTERA, waste sorting bin with lid, 102.558.97

SORTERA waste sorting bin with lid

Current price € 17,99
85 reward points
EFTERFRÅGAD, food vacuum flask, 402.883.54

EFTERFRÅGAD food vacuum flask

Current price € 9,99
45 reward points
KORKEN, jar with lid, 502.135.46

KORKEN jar with lid

Current price € 2,99
10 reward points
SNURRAD, storage turntable, 905.061.04

SNURRAD storage turntable

Current price € 36,99
180 reward points
IKEA 365+, food container with lid, 092.690.65

IKEA 365+ food container with lid

Current price € 6,99
30 reward points
IKEA 365+, food container with lid, 892.690.71

IKEA 365+ food container with lid

Current price € 4,99
20 reward points

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