Product Dimensions
Width: 92 cm
Package Dimensions
Package : 1
Length : 90 cm
Width : 35 cm
Height : 3 cm
Diameter :
Gross Volume : 9.8 l
Length : 90 cm
Width : 35 cm
Height : 3 cm
Diameter :
Gross Volume : 9.8 l
Product Details
Product Details
Shelf: Steel, Galvanized steel
Tape: Expanded polyethylene plastic
Tape: Expanded polyethylene plastic
Good to Know
Combine and complete
Fits OMAR shelving unit, 92x92x36 cm.
Additional information
The material in this product may be recyclable. Please check the recycling rules in your community and if recycling facilities exist in your area.
Fits OMAR shelving unit, 92x92x36 cm.
Additional information
The material in this product may be recyclable. Please check the recycling rules in your community and if recycling facilities exist in your area.
IKEA of Sweden
Perfect if you want to put small things on the wire shelf since the cover makes the shelf even and stable.
Easy to attach and remove.
Can also be used in bathrooms and other damp areas indoors.
Easy to attach and remove.
Can also be used in bathrooms and other damp areas indoors.
Style Group
International Modern