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Ask an IKEA interior designer: a home that sticks to your beat

“My partner and I are moving into a new apartment, and we want to set it up to work with our lifestyle and schedule.” Creating a home that moves to your beat makes all the difference to daily life. We spoke to an IKEA interior designer and gathered some ideas on how to plan a home to run smoothly and simply.

When moving into a new space, where do you begin?

“Every household has its priorities. Interrogate what matters most to you and then find a way to manage these “musts”. In this home, they prioritise the objects they love. The best way to manage this is with open storage. It means they can display their beautiful things while keeping them organised.”

Let’s talk clothing storage. Things get so messy, so quickly!

“This small apartment shows that order is achievable – even with a sizable collection! Seasonal clothing is packed away in transparent boxes, everyday clothes are hung and folded in sight and the most precious pieces are hung in protective clothing bags, ready to be unzipped the moment an invitation arrives.”

How to use storage to create a calm bedroom
How to use storage to create a calm bedroom

Any final words of wisdom for streamlining life at home?

“Creating a morning routine sets the tone for the day. If you can, pack your lunch the night before. Do the same with your outfit and hang it in sight. Make your hallway the permanent address for your keys so you always know where they are. These small changes will make a world of difference!”

See more about Storage system SKADIS
See more about Storage system SKADIS