Wood from sustainable sources only

MÖRBYLÅNGA tableCurrent price € 599,00

MÖRBYLÅNGA tableCurrent price € 599,00
Combining wood types

Durable wood furniture for your garden
- IKEA sources wood from over 50 different countries
- Poland, Russia and Sweden are our top three sourcing countries
- The most common IKEA wood types are pine, birch, beech and acacia

Using wood wisely

Responsible wood sourcing – working together with FSC
We put responsible forest management at the core of our business. This means working to eliminate forest degradation and deforestation and to promote the importance of forest management beyond our own wood material needs. This is what we call being forest positive.
Forests house over two-thirds of known terrestrial species, and are home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity. Our work with FSC contributes to protect ecosystems - and people’s livelihoods. The FSC certification also includes the social and economic well-being of workers and local communities who depend on the forest, as well as environmental and economic matters and decision making, in addition to covering logging practices.

Working together with WWF for responsibly managed forests
We also work with WWF and other partners to combat illegal logging and promote responsible and transparent timber trade. Beginning with five forest projects in seven countries in 2002, today, IKEA collaborates with 15 countries on a variety of projects. The aim is to support credible forest certification that benefits both people and the environment.
Read more about how IKEA and WWF together are contributing to responsible forest management .